Geographies of Solitude

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, Start Time: 11:00 An Lanntair Kenneth Street Stornoway HS1 2DS

Event Type:
Documentary Features
HIFF 2019 Children's Films
What's On - Stornoway

Cruinn-eòlas Aonranachd

Stiùiriche: Jacquelyn Mills, 2022 Canada, 1 Uair 43mion, Cànan Beurla FFEIG:SP
Bogadh ann an eco-siostam Sable Island, sliosnag talmhainn ann an Iar-thuath a’ Chuan Siar. Tha am film
a’ leantainn Zoe Lucas, a tha fìor dhlùth ri nàdar agus na neach-iomairt airson an àrainneachd. Tha i air a
bhith ann thairis air 40 bliadhna a’ cruinneachadh, a’ glanadh agus a’ clàradh sgudal na mara a tha gun
stad a’ tighinn air tìr. Air a chlàradh
air 16mm le dòighean clàraidh nach
eil a’ dèanamh uimhir a chron air an talamh, tha Cruinn-eòlas Aonranachd a’ cluich aig amannan ach a’ toirt urram dhan t-saoghal nàdarrach, le deilbh
a bhuaileas daoine ann an spiorad neach-iomairt.

Geographies of Solitude

Dir: Jacquelyn Mills, 2022 Canada, 1hr43min, Language English HIFF:PG 

An immersion into the rich ecosystem of Sable Island, a remote sliver of
land in the Northwest Atlantic, the film follows Zoe Lucas, a naturalist and environmentalist who has lived there for over 40 years collecting, cleaning and documenting marine litter that persistently washes up on the island’s shores. Shot on 16mm and created using eco-friendly filmmaking techniques, Geographies of Solitude is a playful and reverent collaboration with the natural world filled with arresting images and made with an activist spirit.

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Associated Events

Geographies of Solitude

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11:00 An Lanntair Kenneth Street Stornoway HS1 2DS

Geographies of Solitude

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14:00 Tarbert Community Centre Tarbert Isle of Harris HS3 3DG

Geographies of Solitude

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17:00 Carinish Village Hall Isle of North Uist HS6 5EJ

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