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, Start Time: 17:00 Bernera Community Centre Breacleate Great Bernera HS2 9JG

Event Type:
Drama Features
What's On - Stornoway


Stiùiriche: Charlotte Regan 2023 UK, Uair is 24mion, Comadaidh/Dràma, Cànan: Beurla BBFC:12A
’S e nighean aislingeach dusan bliadhna dh’aois a th’ ann an Georgie (Lola Campbell), is i a’ fuireach na h-aonar gu dòigheil anns am flat aice an Lunainn, ga lìonadh le draoidheachd. Air suidheachadh an Lunainn, nì i bith-beò air gnìomhachas goid baidhsagal airgeadach gus màl a phàigheadh fhad ‘s a tha i a’ fuireach na h-aonar. Nuair a tha athair neo- làthaireach Georgie (Harris Dickinson) a’ nochdadh a-rithist gu h-obainn ri linn bàs an-tràthach a màthar, feumaidh i ionnsachadh a dhol an aghaidh na fìrinn agus fosgladh a cridhe a-rithist. Tha Charlotte Regan a’ cruthachadh sgeulachd oighreachadh cruthachail a tha gu tur èibhinn agus gu fìreannach brònach. Buailidh an comadaidh gleusta seo do chridhe airson a thogail a-rithist.


Dir Charlotte Regan 2023 UK 1hr 24min, Comedy Drama, Language: English BBFC:12A
Georgie, a dreamy 12-year-old girl, lives happily alone in her London flat, filling it with magic. Set in London, Georgie (Lola Campbell), makes a living off a lucrative bike theft business to pay the rent while living on her own. When Georgie’s absentee father (Harris Dickinson) suddenly reappears due to the untimely death of her mother, she must learn to confront reality and open up again. Charlotte Regan crafts a creatively charged coming-of-age story that’s both side-splittingly funny and truthfully tragic. This quick-witted comedy will strike your heart only to rebuild it again.


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17:00 Bernera Community Centre Breacleate Great Bernera HS2 9JG

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