Notes from Sheepland

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, Start Time: 17:00 An Lanntair Kenneth Street Stornoway HS1 2DS

Event Type:
Documentary Features
What's On - Stornoway

Sgrìobag à Tìr nan Caorach

Stiùiriche: Carla Holmes 2023 Eirinn 1 Uair 10 Mion Cànan Beurla
FFEIG: 15,

Orla ’s i a deisealachadh airson farpais gineadh chaorach, a strì ri fuireach ann an àite iomallach agus a miann a bhith cruthachail.

Bidh maise-gnùis air Orla Barry ’s i
ri obair cruaidh, a’ ruith tuathanas chaorach an Wexford. Tha i na neach- ealain lèirsinneach cuideachd, ainmeil airson deilbh film agus clàradh fuaim ann an dòigh ealanta.

Tha i gun trioblaid sam bith a’ dol eadar seiminear ealain gu Fèill Tullamore, breith nan uain sa Ghiblein, lomadh san t-Òg Mhìos, ag obair gun abhsadh airson bith-beò a thoirt às an talamh le cleachdaidhean seann-nòs, ged a tha an saoghal mòr a’ lorg bathar nas luaithe, feòil agus clòimh nas saoire. Ged a tha i air a cuingealachadh le ràithean obair na tac, tha i feum ùine airson a bhith cruthachail.

Tha an dealbh àlainn aig Cara Holmes loma làn de geur chainnt agus faoineas, dealbh tìr le toradh am pailteas, guthan seinn gun fhiosta, obair ealain Barry agus caoraich bhrògach. Tha aon neach ealain a’ dèanamh dealbh air an duine eile a’ comharrachadh cumhachd bhoireannaich, neo-eisimeilich agus 

spèis mhòr mhòr dhan talamh mun cuairt.

Notes from Sheepland

Dir: Carla Holmes 2023 Ireland BBFC: 15, Ihr 10min Language: English 

Orla’s preparation for a breeding competition and her struggle to reconcile her creative exuberance with her daily rural responsibilities.

Orla Barry is a hard-working, lipstick- wearing sheep farmer in rural Wexford. She is also a visual artist, renowned for her video and sound art. She stridesconfidently from art seminars to the Tullamore Show, lambing in April and shearing in June, working tirelessly

to make a living from eco-farming in

the face of global demand for faster, cheaper meats and wools. But while tied to the demands of the ovine calendar she must make time to let her creativity flow.

Cara Holmes’s delightful feature debut is filled with wit and whimsy, with lush landscapes, surprising choral interventions, Barry’s art, and soothing images of handsome sheep. It is a joyous portrait of one artist by another and a celebration of feminism, independence, and a love of the environment.

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