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, Start Time: 11:00 Bernera Community Centre Breacleate Great Bernera HS2 9JG

Event Type:
Documentary Features
What's On - Rural Lewis & Harris


Stiùriche: Philip Hamilton 2023, Uair is 25mion. Film-aithriseach, Cànan: Beurla, FFEIG Ìre: 12
Dè ‘s ni sinn gus cuideachadh na muican-mara?

Tha COLLISION a’ sealltainn àrdachadh air feadh an t-saoghal an trafaic luingeis, tha sin cunnartach dha ar cuanntan, na daoine agus am planaid. Tha e a’ cuimiseachadh air rud nach tèid aithris tric, mar a tha na luingean tric a’ bualadh anns an mucan, rud a tha bagairt cur as dhaibh gu tur.

Tha am film ga chur air ar beulaibh gu làidir, cuideachd gu bheil fuasglaidhean ri làimh a ghabhadh a chur air beulaibh riaghaltasan, ùghdarasan agus companaidhean luinge gus atharrachaidhean deatamach a dhèanamh.

Bha an sgioba Ocean Souls Films ann an compàirteachas le prìomh luchd- saidheans, NGOan, agus ùghdarrasan cruinne, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gum bi aithris ceart ann stèidhichte air saidheans, a’ dearbhadh a’ bhuaidh a th’ aig na luingean air beathaichean mara.


Dir: Philip Hamilton 2023 1hr 25min Documentary, Language : English, HIFF Classification :12
What can we do to help the whales? COLLISION presents how a worldwide increase in shipping traffic is threatening our oceans, its inhabitants and the planet. It focuses on the under- reported issue of fatal ship strikes on whales, a threat which is endangering their very existence.

The film not only highlights the issues but also presents clear and available solutions to encourage governments, authorities and global shipping companies to make vital changes.

The Ocean Souls Films team partnered with leading scientists, NGO’s and worldwide authorities, ensuring an accurate and scientifically based account of the realities of the harsh impact of marine traffic on ocean life.

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11:00 Bernera Community Centre Breacleate Great Bernera HS2 9JG


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