What's Up with the Sky

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, Start Time: 16:30 Talla na Mara Pairc Niseaboist HS3 3AE

Event Type:
Short Films
What's On - Rural Lewis & Harris

Dè tha cearr air an adhar?

Stiùiriche: Irene Borra, an Spàinn 2022, Beò-dhealbhadh,
10mion. Cànan: Spàinntis le fo-thotalan Beurla. FFEIG:?

Tha a’ ghrian ag èiridh gu sona thar na fàire agus tha fàilte
air cur leis an t-sealladh-tìre as bòidhche. Tha na daoine
a’ dùsgadh agus a’ dèanamh iad na bhios an-còmnaidh: a’
geàrradh chraobhan, a’ togail gun amas agus a’ truailleadh
am measg add rudan eile

What’s Up with the Sky?

Dir: Irene Borra, Spain 2022 Animation 10min Spanish with
English Subtitles. HIFF

The sun rises happily over the horizon and is welcomed by
most beautiful landscape. The humans also wake up and do
what they always do: cut down trees, construct aimlessly
and pollute among other things…..

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Associated Events

What's Up with the Sky

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What's Up with the Sky

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16:30 Talla na Mara Pairc Niseaboist HS3 3AE

What's Up with the Sky

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17:00 Bernera Community Centre Breacleate Great Bernera HS2 9JG

What''s Up with the Sky

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14:00 An Lanntair Kenneth Street Stornoway HS1 2DS

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