The Custodians

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, Start Time: 12:30 Cnoc Soilleir Cnoc Soilleir Daliburgh HS8 5SS

Event Type:
Short Films
What's On - Uist & Barra


Stiùriche: Arthur Neumeier 2023, Alba, Cànan: Beurla, 17mion. FFEIG Ìre: PG
Thar na 40 bliadhna a dh’fhalbh, tha cus iasgaich malairteach agus tràladh grunnd na fairge air uisgeachan cladach na h-Alba a bha soirbheachail roimhe, a dheanamh na fàsaichean lom. Tha Luchd-glèidhidh aig Patagonia Films a’ leantainn an obrach aig ceathrar de mhuinntir an àite à Costa an Iar na h-Alba, a tha ag ath- bheòthachadh nan cladaichean. Tha iad ag ath-nuadhachadh fiadh-bheatha, a’ cruthachadh gnìomhachasan seasmhach agus a’ sealltainn mar as urrainn obrachadh leis an fhairge, chan ann na aghaidh.

The Custodians

Dir: Arthur Neumeier 2023, Scotland, Language: English, 17min HIFF: PG Over the last 40 years, commercial overfishing and bottom trawling have turned Scotland’s once-thriving west coast waters into sparse, lifeless deserts. Patagonia Films’ The Custodians follows the work of four locals from the West Coast of Scotland who are reclaiming their natural coastlines. They’re restoring wildlife, creating sustainable industries and showing us how we can work with, not against our oceans.


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