Crow Country: Our right to Food Sovereignty

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, Start Time: 11:00 An Lanntair Kenneth Street Stornoway HS1 2DS

Event Type:
Short Films
What's On - Stornoway

Dùthaich Crow: Ar Còir Air Uachdranas Bìdh

Stiùiriche: Tsanavi Spoonhunter, 2020, 20 mion. Cànan: Beurla agus Crow le fo-thiotalan Beurla. Caipseanan ri fhaighinn.
’S e film aithriseach 20-mionaid a th’ ann an Dùthaich Crow: ar còir air uachdranas bìdh a tha a’ soillearachadh an luchd- amharc aca gu strì treubh gus tèaranteachd bìdh a chumail. ’S e tèarmann thùsanach as motha am Montana a th’ ann an Tèarmann thùsanach Crow, a tha a’ gabhail a-steach 2.2millean de dh’acraichean fearainn. Tha mu 8000 buill teubhach Crow (Apsáalooke) a tha a’ fuireach ann. Tha an Treubh Crow – mar iomadh treubhan eile – air earbsa a chur air ionadan cuairteachadh bìdh feadarail, treubhach agus neo-phrothaideach. Ri linn seo, tha nàiseanan treubhach thar na dùthcha a’ rannsachadh beachd ‘uachdranas bìdh’, còir ghnèitheach coimhearsnachd na siostaman bìdh aice fhèin a chomharrachadh. Thathar a’ sealltainn
gur e tilleadh gu biadhan traidiseanta agus beathachail an dòigh èifeachdach dha siostaman bìdh Dùthchasach ath-stèidheachadh agus cosnadh a chruthachadh. Ach, cuibhreachaidhean air fearann seilge sinnsearachd a’ cur casg air buill treubhach solarachadh dhaibh fhèin agus dhan teaghlaichean.

Crow Country: Our Right To Food Sovereignty

Dir: Tsanavi Spoonhunter, 2020, 20 minutes Language: English and Crow with English subtitles Captions available HIFF:PG
CROW COUNTRY: OUR RIGHT TO FOOD SOVEREIGNTY is a 20-minute documentary that enlightens its audience to one tribe’s struggle to retain food security. The Crow Indian Reservation is the largest reservation in Montana, encompassing 2.2 million acres of land. There are approximately 8,000 Crow (Apsáalooke) tribal members who live there.

The Crow Tribe— like most tribes— have been reliant on federal, tribal and non-profit food distribution centres. As a result, tribal nations across the country are exploring the idea of ‘food sovereignty,’ the inherent right of a community to identify its own food systems. Returning to traditional and nutritious foods has been shown to be an effective way to restore Native food systems and create employment. However, restrictions on ancestral hunting grounds are preventing tribal members from providing for themselves and their families.



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