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, Start Time: 11:00 Tarbert Community Centre Tarbert Isle of Harris HS3 3DG

Event Type:
Short Films
What's On - Rural Lewis & Harris



Stiùiriche: Matt Cannon agus Jake Smallwood, 22mion, RA. Cànan: Beurla FFEIG: U
Tha Steve Truluck na neach-glanaidh uinneig pàirt-ùine agus na neach- dealasach fiadh-bheatha làn-ùine. Thug tachartas iongantach le muc- mhara dhronnach brosnachadh dha a dhreuchd a leigeil seachad agus fòcas a chur air a dhìoghras: a ‘cuideachadh dhaoine gus ceangal a dhèanamh ri mucan-mara agus leumadairean. Tha Steve a-nis aithnichte mar aon de na stiùirichean faire muc-mhara as fheàrr san RA, le tàlant annasach airson mucan-mara marbhtach a lorg. Tha am film brosnachail seo a’ comharrachadh na h-amannan a dh’ atharraicheas beatha a dh’ fhaodadh tighinn tarsainn air na beathaichean iongantach sin.


Dir: Matt Cannon and Jake Smallwood 22 minutes, Uk Language English, HIFF: U
Steve Truluck is a part-time window cleaner and a full-time wildlife enthusiast. A surprise encounter with a humpback whale inspired him to drop his career and focus on his passion: helping people connect with whales and dolphins. Steve is now known as one of the UK’s best whale watching guides, with an unusual talent for finding killer whales. This uplifting film celebrates the life-changing moments that encounters with these incredible animals can bring.

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