Le Chéile
Buy Tickets, Start Time: 19:30 Taigh Dhonnchaidh 44A Habost Port of Ness HS2 0TG
- Event Type:
- Short Films
- What's On - Rural Lewis & Harris
Le Chéile/Le Chèile
Stiùiriche: Róise Nic an Bheatha, 15mion. Alba 2022. Cànan: Gaeilge & Gàidhlig, le fo-thiotalan Beurla
Tha am film a’ rannsachadh an spionnadh eadar neach-leantainn Rangers (neach-labhairt na Gàidhlig) agus neach-leantainn Celtic (neach- labhair na Gaeilge) nuair thugadh eadar-obrachadh orra, a’ gluasad timcheall a’ bheachd gun urrainn do chànan daoine a thoirt còmhladh.
Tha am film goirid a’ sgrùdadh an dàimh eadar Gaeilge (Éire) agus Gàidhlig (Alba). Tha na cànain seo coltach ri chèile ach eadar-dhealaichte: tha iad co-cheangailte ri chèile tro sinnsearachd coitcheanta, ach cuideachd gu sònraichte fa leth. Cha bhi eòlas air a’ mhòr-chuid an diofar eadar an dà, neo am feadh anns am bi an dà chànan co-cheangailte. Tha am film goirid seo airson seo atharrachadh.
Le Chéile
Scotland 2022 Writer / Director Róise Nic an Bheatha 15min languages Irish and Gaelic With English Subtitles.
The film explores the dynamic between a Rangers supporter (Gaelic speaker) and a Celtic supporter (Irish speaker) when they are forced to interact, pivoting around the idea that language can bring people together.
The short film delves into the relationship between Irish (Ireland) and Gaelic (Scotland). These languages are similar yet different, connected to each other through common ancestry, but also distinctly individual. The majority of people won’t know the difference between the two or the extent to which the two languages are connected. This short-film, Le Chéile, wants to change this.