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, Start Time: 14:00 Tarbert Community Centre Tarbert Isle of Harris HS3 3DG

Event Type:
Short Films
What's On - Rural Lewis & Harris

Tasglann Fhilm Innse Gall

15mon. 2024. UistFilm, le fo-thiotalan Beurla FFEIG: U
Bàrr-phuingean bho 8mm tasglann cruinneachadh fhilmichean air ùr nochdadh an Innse Gall air cur an cruth didseatach ùr le UistFilm, air togail taic-airgid tro Crowdfunding, dha proìseact Faodail Tasglann Fhilm Innse Gall. Gabhaidh an cruinneachadh a-steach piosan bho Hiort, a’ fàs tiuliop aig Paibeil, raon itealan buidheann- adhar Northern & Scottish an Solas, flamingo air Loch Bharabhais, Taigh- òsta Loch nam Madadh anns na 1930an agus tòrr a bharrachd.

Gu cho fada ri 1979, ’s e glè bheag, ma bha sgath idir, de na h-ìomhaighean gluasadach a chaidh an cruthachadh ann no timcheall air Innse Gall a bha air an dèanamh bho shealladh duine sam bith eile ach daoine bhon taobh a-muigh. Aig a’ char a b’ fheàrr, chruthaich an cion seallaidh is cànain dhùthchasaich seo dealbh aineolach, agus gu tric romansach no le fearas- mhòr, air beatha nan eilean.

Ann an 2021, chaidh cruinneachadh Scott de filmichean Beàrnaraidh na Hearadh bho na 60an agus 70an a cur ann an cruth didseatach, a bha air nachdadh san fhilm aithriseach Dùthchas, air riochdachadh le UistFilm. On uair sin, tha sinn air ar lìonadhle cruinneachaidh ùra air an toirt seachad le muinntir an àite a chaidh am bronsachadh leis an tuigse gu bheil luach cultural mòr aig na 88mm ‘home movies’ seo.


FAODAIL Outer Hebrides Archive Film Compilation

(15mins. 2024, UistFilm) English Subtitles HIFF : U

Highlights from newly found 8mm archive film collections from the Outer Hebrides freshly digitised by UistFilm, through crowdfunding, for the FAODAIL Outer Hebrides Archive Film project. The compilation will include footage of St Kilda, tulip growing at Paible, Northern & Scottish Airlines airstrip at Sollas, Flamingo on Barvas Loch, Lochmaddy Hotel from 1930s and much much more.

Up until as late as 1979, very little, if any, moving image created in or about the Outer Hebrides was made from anything other than an outsiders’ perspective. This lack of an indigenous viewpoint led, at best, to an uninformed, and often romanticised, representation of island life.

In 2021 the Scott collection of Berneray footage from the 60s and 70s was digitised and featured in the award-winning feature documentary Dùthchas produced by UistFilm. Since then we have been inundated with new collections donated by local people inspired by the realisation that these 8mm ‘home movies’ have a great cultural value.

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